Wednesday, April 9, 2008

No war for oil...

...unless the Democrats say it's OK. Sen. Carl Levin has suggested that Iraq pay for it's rebuilding with it's oil surplus. Yes, I know that this isn't really giving US oil... But who, prey tell, are the going to be selling the oil to?

WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrats plan to push legislation this spring that
would force the Iraqi government to spend its own surplus in oil revenues to
rebuild the country, sparing U.S. dollars.

To quote Doc Holiday "It seems my hypocrisy knows no bounds".

Now, I'm one of those guys that didn't believe from the start that going into Iraq was "all about oil". I think that's a ridiculous concept. I think we had real security reasons in going, etc etc. Those facts aside, I can remember the Democrats screaming from the rooftops "no war for oil", "no blood for oil", etc. Now, here they are, asking for oil.


These are the same people that want us to drive less, buy hybrids, and not tap into our own resources in ANWAR.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that Iraq, in thanks for liberation, should give us a hefty discount on some of that Texas Tease they have stored up. I just have to chuckle, just a bit at this suggestion by the Dems. Had Dubya suggested it, he would have been raked over the coals.

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