Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Godspeed Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor

On September 29th 2006 while deployed in Iraq with his seal team (team 3) Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor was killed in action.

During a firefight in Ramadi, he and two of his team mates took up positions on a rooftop. Monsoor manning the entrance with a machine gun while his teammates took up sniper positions along the rooftops.

As the insurgents began surrounding the team and rallying civilians in the area to fight, a grenade was thrown at the entrance. Monsoor being the closest to the entrance, had the best chance of escaping. He instead, thinking of his team mates, instantly dove onto the grenade, absorbing the blast. The lives of his team mates were spared due to his actions.

Story about his actions and tribute:

Deservingly so, he was awarded the Medal of Honor, posthumously. The medal was presented to his parents, George and Sally Monsoor. Today April 8th 2007.

Video of the presentation here

Read more below:
Military.com article
Wikipedia entry on Michael A. Monsoor
Wikipedia entry about the Navy Seals

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable, and as courageous as it gets. Good tribute Mac.