Thursday, March 13, 2008

Well, I'm glad "Candy - Gate" is over!

WHEW! Was worried there for a minute that the world was coming to an end. What am I talking about you ask?

That's right, skittles.

Well, out in Connecticut, some 8th grade kid bought a bag of skittles from another classmate. It would appear that this was against the rules at the school under their districts "Wellness Policy". So, as a punishment, the kid is stripped of his title as class vice president, barred from going to an honors banquet (the kid is an honor student), and suspended for a day.

Mark Levin was screaming all about this last night on his show and I guess, the whole world has been up in arms about the whole thing.

Well, It's being reported on that the school has decided clear the boy's record.

Now that this mess is all over with, can we get back to worrying about the writers strike or something?

Can't possibly be anything more important going on in the world...

Can there?

Can't be...


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