Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thank god mine are all gold plated

At least cops can now assume that all funny colored guns are toys. Because it's illegal otherwise.

(Insert crosseyed face here),0,7889447.story

The body unanimously banned the possession, sale or disposal of handguns
painted to look like toys. Handguns must be black, gray, silver, nickel, army
green or gold-plated. New York City Mayor
Michael Bloomberg
banned painted guns in 2006. Nassau Executive Thomas
Suozzi has said he pushed for a similar ban because such guns pose a danger to
law enforcement and the public and to support Bloomberg's ban. The Nassau law
goes into effect immediately, but owners of such guns have 30 days to turn over
their weapons to police or change them to accepted colors. Violation of this
misdemeanor offense can result in a fine of up to $1,000, a year in jail or

I sure feel safer now.


Anonymous said...

Anybody home?

Unknown said...

Was just thinking that I need to get back to the blogging thing...